I took the high road today.
Mom and I went for a wonderful walk to Hobb's Woods. It was a particularly a good-smelling walk because of all the rain from last night. The birds were all singing, and the chipmunks were, well, chipping away.
At the woods, there is a point where I must decide which path to take. The low path takes us really close to the creek. And the creek was higher today than usual which means the frogs would be out in full force and we all know how much I love to chase frogs.
The high path takes us through the woods and up and down hills. We get an extra workout because of all the hills. Plus, the birds were so happily singing and the ground just smelled so good.
In making such a decision, it means that I get to enjoy a lot of good things and it also means that I will have to give up some things.
So I chose the high path. I knew I would give up splashing in the creek, chasing frogs, and getting my paws all grubby. But the high path offered me its own treasures--running up and down hills, finding sticks to nibble upon, birds to chase. What a great day for such an adventure!
I chose the high road and I found my happiness!
Thought for you humans:
When have you had to make a decision whether to take the high road or the low road? When have you chosen to take the high road by being true to yourself and to your moral system? When have you taken the low road and forgot who you really are in favor of the status quo or making yourself look good? Is it easier to take the high road or the low road?
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