Monday, November 26, 2012

Sharing Bread

The other day when I was out for a walk by myself, I discovered a pile of bread that a neighbor had thrown out for the birds.

"Yum!" I said as I gobbled down as much bread as I could. I ate and ate and ate. My tummy kept getting bigger and bigger from all the bread.

Then I heard mom whistle her whistle to let me know it was time to go home.

"Oh no!" I cried. I knew I wasn't supposed to be out of the yard by myself and I wasn't supposed to be eating bread because the grain in it gives me itchy ears and I wasn't supposed to steal bread from the birds. "I'm going to get into trouble!"

I had to think fast. I snatched one last piece of bread and, instead of eating it really quickly, I hid it in my mouth. Then I sauntered my way home, trying to look like I really wasn't up to anything. I put the piece of bread in my front lawn before Mom told me to come in the house. I had to have a time-out because I left the yard without being with a human.

When I was in the house, I gazed out the window longingly and saw Squirrel taunting me to come back outside and play. Mom finally said I could go chase Squirrel, so I did for awhile. Then before coming back into the house, I went to the front yard and grabbed the piece of bread. I hid it inside my mouth once again so Mom wouldn't see it. Then I secretly brought the piece of bread into the house.

Mom wondered what I was up to because I always go into the kitchen for Treat whenever I come in from outside. But this time, instead of going straight to the kitchen, I slithered my way to Mom's office and dropped the piece of bread on the floor there. I didn't want her to see that I was leaving her the bread as  a peace offering because I had left the yard without her.

Mom was very surprised to find the piece of bread later on in the day. When she did, Mom sat down on the floor. I sat in her lap. Then Mom broke the bread into pieces and shared them with me. Yum!

Thought for you humans:
What is the bread you could offer someone? Who is in need of something only you could provide?

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